Seizure of 44 lbs fentanyl

BOYNTON BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) Following a massive, 18-month operation involving multiple local and federal law enforcement agencies, more than a dozen individuals were apprehended. The Boynton Beach Police Department (BBPD) revealed the existence of this joint operation last week, but more details about the individuals arrested and charges against them became available.

Following a massive, 18-month operation involving multiple local and federal law enforcement agencies, more than a dozen individuals were apprehended. The Boynton Beach Police Department (BBPD) revealed the existence of this joint operation last week, but more details about the individuals arrested and charges against them became available.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement posted 11 of the suspects' mugshots online Monday afternoon, confirming their alleged involvement in Operation "Big Boi." This collaborative effort resulted in the seizure of 44 pounds of fentanyl and cocaine, 20 guns and eight vehicles, helping to dismantle a drug trafficking organization operating throughout South Florida, according to authorities.

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The suspects' information available so far is outlined below and current as of Tuesday afternoon. Most are in custody in Palm Beach county while others are in the federal system, so their mugshots and other details are not available.

Johnson Joseph, 33

  • Unlawful use of a two-way communication device
  • 19 counts of selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 8
  • Remains in custody

Lamar Andrews, 37

  • Conspiracy to traffic fentanyl
  • 25 counts of selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 8
  • Remains in custody

Rebecca Reid, 31

  • Unlawful use of a two-way communication device
  • 10 counts of selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 8
  • Released December 10

Ryan Wiggins, 36

  • Unlawful use of a two-way communication device
  • Selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 11
  • Released December 16

Roderick Norfus, 34

  • Unlawful use of a two-way communication device
  • Eight counts counts of selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 8
  • Remains in custody

Bily Jacques, 30

  • Unlawful use of a two-way communication device
  • Three counts counts of selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 8
  • Remains in custody

Michael Roberts, 30

  • Unlawful use of a two-way communication device
  • Selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 8
  • Remains in custody

Robert Reed, 53

  • Unlawful use of a two-way communication device
  • Selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 8
  • Remains in custody

Victoria Thomas, 31

  • Two counts of selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 8
  • Released same day

Done Georges, 45

  • Booked into the Broward County Jail December 8 and charged with: Selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance, Possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, Possession of drug paraphernalia
  • Transferred into the Palm Beach County Jail December 14
  • Charged with using two-way device to commit a felony, selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Remains in custody

Carnelle Bray, 43

  • Possession of a weapon by a convicted felon
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 8
  • Released December 9

Edmund Deveaux, 25

  • Unlawful use of a two-way communication device
  • Two counts of selling, manufacturing, delivering or possessing with intent to sell, manufacture or deliver a controlled substance
  • Booked into the Palm Beach County Jail December 8
  • Remains in custody

Sigfried Ortiz, no records found in Palm Beach or Broward counties' courts or jails

  • The Florida Department of Law Enforcement provided mugshot

Edward Pericles, no records found in Palm Beach or Broward counties' courts or jails

Marcus Joseph, no records found in Palm Beach or Broward counties' courts or jails

Eddie Waters, no records found in Palm Beach or Broward counties' courts or jails

Elijah Green, no records found in Palm Beach or Broward counties' courts or jails

Operation "Big Boi" was the third mission through the State Assistance for Fentanyl Eradication (S.A.F.E.) in Florida Program, which allocates funds for overtime, travel or investigative purposes, like money used to make illegal purchases while undercover.

"Our collaboration with law enforcement partners has resulted in a milestone in our fight against drug-related crimes," BBPD Chief of Police Joseph DeGiulio previously said. "Removing these dangerous drugs from our streets ensures a safer community."

The other agencies and departments included in this task force are the Delray Beach Police Department, Broward County Sheriff’s Office, Plantation Police Department, West Palm Beach Police Department, U.S. Marshals Service, Homeland Security, the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Office of Statewide Prosecution.

Previous operations supported by the S.A.F.E. in Florida program have resulted in dozens of arrests and the seizure of nearly thirty pounds of fentanyl and 26 pounds of cocaine statewide.

Additional arrests related to Operation "Big Boi" are expected.

