Johnstown man charged for sexually assaulting teen, police say

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. (WJAC) A Johnstown man has been charged after sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl, according to police. Johnstown police say officers received a tip in June of 2020 from Cambria County Children and Youth that 57-year-old Kenneth Stanford had assaulted the girl.

A Johnstown man has been charged after sexually assaulting a 15-year-old girl, according to police.

Johnstown police say officers received a tip in June of 2020 from Cambria County Children and Youth that 57-year-old Kenneth Stanford had assaulted the girl.

Investigators say they spoke with the child who told them she was having sexual relations with Stanford and she had first met him while she was out for a walk.

She told police that she had asked Stanford for his phone number and then later called him and asked him to be her boyfriend, according to a criminal complaint.

The girl told investigators that Stanford knew how old she was.

According to the criminal complaint, the girl said she’d hang out with Stanford at his house and he would sexually assault her.

She told investigators that she ran away from home and went to Stanford’s house where she was sexually assaulted again, the complaint says.

The girl said Stanford heard on the scanner that police were looking for her and provided an address of where she could be, according to the complaint.

Police arrived and took the girl home, the complaint says.

Investigators say the girl told them that Stanford was okay with her age and “actually liked it.”

Stanford is being lodged in the Cambria County Prison after being unable to post bail.

