ADAMS COUNTY, Pa. — On March 21, Devil's Den in Gettysburg will close for rehabilitation lasting around 5 or 6 months, according to the Gettysburg National Military Park.
The rehabilitation will focus on the erosion of walkways, as well as safety concerns created from unauthorized social trails, according to the Gettysburg National Military Park.
The park says other concentrations of the rehabilitation will be to reestablish, preserve, and protect features of Devil's Den.
Once finished, the Park claims visitors will be able to better immerse themselves into the historic landscape which is crucial for understanding the three-day battle that took place there.
Adjacent battlefield locations will remain open as well as Crawford Ave., Sickles Ave., and the parking area. However, at times they may be closed due to construction.
If you're planning a visit, check www.nps.gov/gett too see what parts are closed.