DAUPHIN COUNTY, Pa (WHP) — Hershey's Chocolate World has issued a statement regarding an incident involving a local police officer that caused upset on social media.
On Oct. 17, The York County Fraternal Order of Police made a Facebook post alleging that an on-duty York officer had been asked to leave Hershey's Chocolate World. The FOP wrote that the officer had been purchasing candy for a nearby Halloween parade.
Shortly after, France Paskey, a York-based law firm, made a post that says the officer was told police officers are only allowed into the store if they first call and and ask.
Hershey’s Chocolate World Marketing and Communications Manager Todd Kohr called the incident a "miscommunication," and confirmed Wednesday that Chocolate World had a "very positive conversation" with the police department.
"We welcome our local police departments," Kohr said, "and our goal is that anyone who visits Hershey’s Chocolate World has a great experience."
France Paskey has since updated its post, writing that a Hershey representative reached out to the York officer and apologized for the incident.
"We appreciate the effort of all involved... and appreciate Hershey for amicably resolving the matter," the company wrote.