BEDFORD, Pa. - The Pennsylvania Turnpike will be closed in both directions from Bedford Exit 146 to Breezewood Exit 161 from 11:30 p.m. Saturday until 5 a.m. Sunday.
The closure is for crews to safely remove the bridge that carries traffic on Hazelette Street at mile marker 154.5 in West Providence Township.
The following detours are in place:
Eastbound traffic exiting the Turnpike at the Bedford Interchange will be given this suggested detour:
U.S. Route 220 north (.2 miles) to
U.S. Route 220 south (2.5 miles) to
U.S. Route 30 East (18.5 miles)
Traffic will reenter the PA Turnpike at the Breezewood Interchange
Westbound traffic exiting the Turnpike at the Breezewood Interchange will be given this suggested detour:
U.S Route 30 West (18.5 miles) to
U.S. Route 220 North (2.5 miles) to
U.S. Route 220 North (.2 miles)
Re-enter the PA Turnpike at the Bedford Interchange
During the closure, expect higher traffic volumes on detour roads.