PA representative proposes Tattoo Practice Act for safer tattoo industry

New legislation is being introduced by Pennsylvania State Representative Abby Major -- that might intrigue those of us who have tattoos or are looking to get one. Its called the Tattoo Practice Act. The goal behind this legislation is to strengthen customer protection and decrease the spread of disease -- which can be common in

New legislation is being introduced by Pennsylvania State Representative Abby Major -- that might intrigue those of us who have tattoos or are looking to get one.

Its called the Tattoo Practice Act.

The goal behind this legislation is to strengthen customer protection and decrease the spread of disease -- which can be common in tattoos.

“I feel that it's important for consumer safety and protection," said Major. "For the consumer to make sure that their tattoo artist is licensed and trained using sterile and safe procedures.”

Major introduced this legislation – which was previously sponsored by then State Representative Rosemary Brown.

“When Senator Brown now, when she went to the Senate I realized that nobody was, nobody had picked up this issue so I just grabbed it and went with it because I believe and also trying to confirm this, but I believe it have the most tattoos in the Pa house right now so felt like a good issue for me to take up,” Major added.

If this act does get signed into law, it would require tattoo artists and shops across the commonwealth to be licensed and registered with the Department of Health.

The National Institute of health reports that between one and five percent of people who get a tattoo contract diseases like hepatitis b, c and M.R.S.A.

“So, and you know they cause infection," said Major. "You can get blood borne diseases from these people who are reusing needles or not properly sterilizing their equipment.”

Major tells 6 News she has 13 tattoos and counting.

She also says she would feel more secure getting more tattoos with this legislation in place.

“I think its really for people maybe want to get their first tattoo and they don’t have an artist or they aren’t sure who to go to," Major said. "This will provide them the ability to see that an artist is license, knows correct and sterile procedures and help them choose one that is licensed and regulated.”

Representative Major tells Channel 6 this legislation – if passed – would also increase blood supply because if you currently get a tattoo in Pa you have to wait 3 months to donate blood, but with this legislation there'd be no wait.

