Former Jefferson Co. man sentenced up to 180 years for repeat sexual abuse of girl

Jefferson Co., PA (WJAC) Authorities with the Jefferson County District Attorney's office confirmed that a former resident of the Punxsutawney area has been sentenced up to 180 years in prison for repeatedly sexually abusing a young girl.

Authorities with the Jefferson County District Attorney's office confirmed that a former resident of the Punxsutawney area has been sentenced up to 180 years in prison for repeatedly sexually abusing a young girl.

Officials say Douglas Poole was sentenced last Friday to serve 90 to 180 years after being convicted last November.

Poole was found guilty on all 61 charges he faced, which included rape, sexual assault and aggravated indecent assault.

Investigators say the victim told police that Poole had repeatedly abused her for years, beginning when she was 8-years-old.

Police say the abuse reportedly began while the girl was living in Florida and continued when she moved to the Jefferson County area.

"Doug Poole put that young woman through a living hell with his abuse of her. I am thankful that our efforts have allowed her to sleep peacefully at night knowing that Doug Poole will never harm and harass her ever again," said District Attorney Jeff Burkett.

