Centre Volunteers In Medicine (CVIM) gave out almost twelve-hundred COVID vaccines today...As efforts to ramp up distribution continue.
At Mount Nittany Middle School, a steady stream of people came in today to get a COVID vaccine. The CVIM doled out vaccinations throughout the course of the day.
Doctor Raymond Nungesser, the CVIM’s Medical Director, said the community stepped up to make this clinic run efficiently.
“I think there’s a lot of energy here and there’s a lot of volunteers here that I’ve never met before, and it’s quite exciting to see the community come out and support this effort,”Dr. Nungesser said.
Staff nurse Cheryl Trombley echoed Dr. Nungesser’s sentiments, applauding the volunteers for bringing enthusiasm in numbers.
“They couldn’t be happier to be here to be part of the...part of the solution to be helping everybody in the community," Trombley said. "It’s been a real community response and our volunteers have been amazing, they’ve just come out in droves.”
Even with masks on, you could see smiles from ear to ear from those who finally got their long-awaited vaccine. Here's how Trombley described the environment: “the mood is just happiness, optimism, people feel like they can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel after this long ten-eleven months.”
Dr. Nungesser added that there will be more clinics set up as more doses become available.
Donations can be sent to the CVIM at 2520 Greentech Drive in State College.